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Give health workers paid leave whenever needed: ACTU

The FWC will consider an ACTU push for frontline health workers to have access to paid leave on multiple occasions if they are required to self-isolate due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

PM declares "no more unions or bosses" as JobKeeper heads for Canberra

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has described his government's close consultation with the Opposition in drafting legislation to give effect to the JobKeeper coronavirus wage subsidy program that will be put to Parliament next week, while joining IR Minister Christian Porter in thanking unions for their cooperation in achieving "massive" temporary IR changes.

Fast turnaround looming for latest coronavirus award change

The FWC has expedited the hearing of the restaurant industry's bid to vary its award to boost hours and leave flexibility as it shifts to a COVID-19 business model based on takeaways and home delivery.

New pay rules looming for lawyers, clerks

New rules for recording the working hours of junior lawyers and paralegals are set to take effect from March, despite protests from major law firms, while up to a million clerical employees are set to be subject to similar provisions.

Bench declines to trim hairdressers' penalty rates

An FWC full bench has rejected a bid to reduce hairdressers' penalty rates for weekend and public holidays, while seeking further submissions on whether weekend rates should be paid in addition to casual loading.

Morrison flags 'decluttering' of compliance regime

In a clear indication that the recent rash of underpayment disclosures by large companies has not gone unnoticed, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has told a business audience that his government hopes to reduce the current compliance regime's "administrative clutter".

Government should be driving equal remuneration: IRC

A NSW IRC full bench has in making equal remuneration orders delivering a 11% rise for education support workers called on governments to ensure worthy such cases are argued, rather than rely on unions "funded by a declining member base".

"Race to the bottom" warning if award covers early-career lawyers

The Law Institute of Victoria has voiced its support for expanding the Legal Services Award to include early-career lawyers in private practice, but concedes that setting a minimum salary could lead to a "race to the bottom".

Pay equity settlement "to ripple across the nation": Union

As more than 18,000 NSW public school administrative and support staff vote on a settlement to their gender equity claim said to boost annual pay by up to $13,500, the PSA and Department of Education are nutting out the degree to which they will jointly acknowledge the gender element.