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Weakest CPI in 17 years ahead of FWC wages review

A leading economist has warned Australia is in a "self-fulfilling cycle" of low productivity and wages growth after today's CPI figures showed year-on-year inflation almost flatlining at just 1%.

Vale, Alan Goldberg QC

Alan Goldberg, the barrister seen as the mastermind behind the landmark Dollar Sweets case, has died, aged 75.

$90,000 fine for underpaying trolley collectors

A contractor "knowingly involved" in underpaying vulnerable supermarket trolley collectors and a subcontractor who "deliberately" produced false payment records and underpaid employees have been fined more than $90,000 by the Federal Court.

Weekend penalty rates decision imminent: ACCI

The Fair Work Commission's much-anticipated ruling on weekend penalty rates is likely to be brought down in September, according to Australia's biggest employer group.

FWC sets plain language redraft schedule

The FWC is inviting comment on consultation schedules for the plain English redrafting of specific clauses in the pharmacy industry award, standard and common clauses in all awards, and the redrafting of the clerks, hospitality, restaurant and retail awards.

Errant employer commits to rectifying $2m in underpayments

The FWO has secured its largest back-payment, after making an enforceable undertaking with a Victorian-based mining services company that requires it to reimburse $2 million to 205 underpaid workers and provide IR training to all managers with HR and payroll responsibilities.

Minimum wage ruling tomorrow

The Fair Work Commission will tomorrow afternoon deliver its annual minimum wage decision, just five weeks before the July 2 federal election.