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Performance pay now the rule in big companies

The incidence of performance pay in big companies has skyrocketed, with more than half of employees now having their pay partly determined by individual merit-based increases, according to new research from the University of Sydney.

Non-union deals expensive

A case before the Industrial Relations Commission today illustrates some of the risks for employers of going down the non-union enterprise agreement route in industries with strong unions.

BHP workers threaten industrial action

Workers supporting a collective agreement at BHP's Pilbara operations are threatening to re-commence industrial action if the company doesn't substantially revise its proposed collective agreement that mirrors individual contracts signed by nearly half the workforce.

NZ to repeal Employment Contracts Act

New Zealand is about to repeal the 1991 Employment Contracts Act (ECA), the radical legislation centering on common law employment contracts that stripped away the country's IR regulation and became one of the significant models for deregulation in Australia.

360-degree feedback decreases shareholder value

A new analysis of data from 400 major US and Canadian-based public companies has found that 360-degree-feedback and training and sharing profits with employees can lead to a significant decrease in returns to shareholders.

Court ruling widens scope for duress claims

Employers who unduly pressure employees or prospective employees to sign Australian Workplace Agreements could be exposed to duress claims, following a ruling by a full bench of the Federal Court that substantially widens the definition of duress.

Construction employers cave in on 36-hour week

Victorian construction unions and a breakaway group of major building contractors are close to finalising a deal that will deliver building workers a 36-hour week and a 15% to 16% pay rise over three years.