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CFMEU to take coverage win into the field

The CFMEU (construction & general division) looks likely to make big inroads into the AWU's 7,000-strong membership in the civil construction sector, following the CFMEU's successful bid to represent workers in the civil construction sector.

Industrial action in car industry?

Auto unions are threatening industrial action if carmakers fail to settle a dispute over interpretation of an award clause for pay on public holidays.

FSU has early win in casualisation battle

The FSU has had its first success in a new two-pronged campaign to increase the regulation of casuals and labour hire employees in the finance industry.

High stakes for employers in AMWU elections

Employers in the metals sector could see the stridency of the enterprise bargaining campaigns in Victoria extend to the rest of the country if the AMWU's militant Workers First faction is successful in toppling the union's national and Victorian leadership in upcoming elections.

Reith wants to limit safety net increase to $8

Workplace Relations Minister Peter Reith and Conservative state governments are proposing a living wage increase of $8 up to C10 level ($447.20) in the metals award - a third of the $24 sought by the ACTU.

Qld deeming clause put to the test

A Queensland company is appealing to the State's Court of Appeal to halt the first test of the Qld IR Act's controversial provisions to deem contractors as employees.

New union strategy to boost membership

In a new union strategy to boost recruitment, the fourth biggest job agency in the Federal Government's Job Network, Jobfutures, will earn a $25 fee from NSW unions every time it places an employee in a job and signs them up as a union member.