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NSW has real union power, union leader says

An ACTU vice president has made a provocative assessment of where union power lies in Australia, saying it is the NSW Labor Council rather than the peak national union body that was most influential.

NSW teachers deal provides 16% plus GST clause

Teachers and the NSW Department of Education have settled their dispute with a deal that pays 16% over 4.5 years and $750 cash, and provides for the possibility of further increases via a GST clause.

Pattern bargaining inquiry on tomorrow

Unions and employer groups will tomorrow address the Senate Inquiry on the merits or otherwise of the Federal Government's pattern bargaining bill in an attempt to get Democrats' IR spokesperson Senator Andrew Murray on side.

High Court transmission case deferred

The Victorian Government's application for special leave to appeal to the High Court over the North Western Health Care transmission of business case has been deferred - with the HSUA's consent - following progress in negotiations for an out-of-court settlement.

NSW truckies mass meeting to consider strike

NSW short-haul and local truck drivers will vote on Sunday on whether to take industrial action over transport companies' attempts to cut their rates from July 1.

Call centre employees get 10% plus performance pay

Employees at Link Telecommunications' five call centres can win performance bonuses on top of guaranteed pay increases, plus they have the option of being rostered on for an extra 10 hours every month, under a new non-union enterprise agreement certified today.

Owner-driver an employee: IRC

In a decision that looks behind purported independent contractor arrangements, a full bench of the IRC has ruled that a courier owner-driver for a Mayne Nickless subsidiary was an employee.

Unions win significant support at Rio Tinto AGMs

In a result that will inspire unions to run campaigns to win over shareholders of public companies perceived as union-unfriendly, one in five Rio Tinto shareholders have supported union-sponsored resolutions for improved corporate governance and adherence to labour standards.