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ACCI examines its IR policies

The labour relations committee of one of Australia's peak employer bodies, the ACCI, is meeting in Darwin today as a precursor to the organisation's policy-making meeting later in the month.

Campaign 2000, week two

Week two of Campaign 2000 has come and gone in much the same way that week one did - with the MTFU claiming progress in signing companies up to the break-out deal (reproduced in full below), and employers giving mixed reports of activity on their sites.

Security company withdraws appeal against $100,000 order

The director of a Queensland security company ordered by the Ipswich Industrial Magistrate's Court to reimburse an employee almost $100,000 for under-paid wages has withdrawn his appeal against the decision.

Shaw returns to HB Higgins

Former NSW IR Minister and Attorney-General, Jeff Shaw QC, will be physically working out of his old home ground, HB Higgins Chambers, from next month.

AWU tests ACTU coverage policy

The AWU has provided the ACTU with an early test for its fortnight-old coverage policy, writing to the peak body asking it to resolve the turf war between the MUA and AWU over offshore oil and gas workers.

Virgin blue strikes greenfields agreement for pilots

New domestic airline entrant Virgin Blue has struck a greenfields agreement for its pilots that provides substantial bonuses if they stay on beyond their first and second anniversaries.

Agreement integrates conditions at AMP and GIO

GIO Australia employees will have to work longer but under better conditions after the Finance Sector Union and the AMP reached agreement on integrating the working conditions of 8,000 employees of the two former rivals.

It's not the site - it's the business: IRC

In an important transmission of business ruling, a full bench of the IRC has rejected an employer's argument that a transmitted award applied to the sites it acquired with the business but not to sites established after the purchase.

Strike first, talk second, says union

Unions say workers on paid rates awards are more likely to take industrial action to advance their bargaining position following an IRC full ruling yesterday.