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AWA worker should have been allowed union presence: IRC

A mining company's refusal to allow an illiterate worker any union representation while counselling him prior to his dismissal was a breach of procedural fairness - even though the worker was on an AWA, the IRC has found.

Bargaining briefs, January 21, 2003

Queensland police secure a new five-year deal, Crown casino clashes with LHMU over pay rise, and Telstra's infrastructure agreement considered for second time tomorrow.

Wattyl deal to set pace for paint

Bargaining is hotting up in the paint industry, with Wattyl on the cusp of finalising a new agreement ahead of its old deal expiring and the AIRC today certifying an agreement for Mirotone.

AIRC upholds dismissal over drugs

The AIRC has upheld Qantas's dismissal of a line manager who used its email system to ask another employee to obtain drugs for him, while it has reinstated a Pacific Access employee sacked for an email transgression.

Principles push stalls Pacific National bargaining

Bargaining negotiations between Pacific National and rail unions have stalled, with the company pushing for agreement on a set of procedural principles to underpin the deal before any big ticket items are addressed.

Grocon threatens lockout

In another significant departure from its traditional practice, Grocon has threatened to lock out its workforce if they go on strike, while the company has failed today to win a s166A certificate over alleged unlawful union pressure on subcontractors to stop work during protected action last Friday.

Big win for Victorian retail workers

Some 90% of the Victorian retail sector will now be covered by federal awards, according to the SDA, after an AIRC full bench approved its bid to rope in 18,000 employers to an interim award.

Centrelink to negotiate union deal

Centrelink has agreed to negotiate a s170LJ agreement with unions, after workers resoundingly rejected a non-union deal early this month.