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Poor system played role in worker's negligence

The AIRC has ruled that even though a Telstra call centre employee was "habitually negligent" at work, the telco was wrong to summarily dismiss her because it failed to consider that its own inadequate IT system contributed to her conduct.

Green light for key Cole recommendations

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott will proceed with key recommendations of the Cole Royal Commission, after winning Cabinet's backing.

News in brief, April 1, 2003

Waterfront productivity falls away; First ruling on EEAs in WA; Right of entry win for WA CFMEU; and another Hungry Jack's deal fails no disadvantage test.

Court issues guidance on creditors' representation

The Federal Court has made it clear it is prepared to issue orders to allow unions to represent their members at creditors meetings, if they can prove there are exceptional circumstances.

Ansett employees win extra $8 million in entitlements

Hundreds of former Ansett employees have obtained an extra $8 million in entitlements following a Federal Court interpretation of the award and enterprise agreement covering the airline's licenced aircraft engineers.

Union membership still in decline

Union membership has fallen to a new low of 23.1% of all employees and 18% of private sector workers, according to new ABS data.

One week's notice unfair, rules NSW IRC

An independent contractor who had his contract terminated for safety breaches has won his s106 unfair contracts case in the NSW IRC, after it found he should have been given five months notice instead of one week.

Cooper s106 case seeks $3.5m from Commbank

The NSW IRC has acceded to the joinder of a high-profile group of s106 unfair contract applicants, including FAI identity Brad Cooper, in a case that could raise some novel issues.

Calculation error tainted "reasonableness" finding: bench

A worker has won his appeal against a ruling that he didn't make sufficient attempts to settle an unfair dismissal claim, after a NSW IRC full bench found the Commission had made incorrect calculations that tainted the perceived "reasonableness" of his actions.