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MBA to Democrats: Maintain integrity of Cole blueprint

The MBA's head has urged the Democrats not to heavily amend the forthcoming Cole legislation, while one of Cole's counsel assisting has outlined the "absolute minimum" legislative change needed from Cole and suggested Friday's quashing of charges against the CFMEU's Kingham was probably wrong in law.

Policy change not payback, says WA Government

Big WA construction player Len Buckeridge says a WA Government policy shift that could cost him tens of millions of dollars is payback for him "singing like a canary" to the Cole Royal Commission, but the Gallop Government says his claims are completely misconceived.

Living wage – decision on Tuesday

The AIRC's seven-member national wage bench will on Tuesday hand down its decision on the ACTU's $24.60-a-week living wage claim.

Cole Commission fails judicial scrutiny: CFMEU

The CFMEU (building and construction division) is hailing Victorian secretary Martin Kingham's legal victory today as the exposure by a "real" court of the "sham nature" of the building Royal Commission.

Kingham gets off

The Melbourne Magistrates' Court has this morning dismissed a charge against the Victorian secretary of the CFMEU (construction division), Martin Kingham, over his refusal to hand over information to the Cole Royal Commission.

Ballot opens for CPSU leadership election

The ballot for the CPSU's key leadership positions opens today, with all the incumbents facing challenges from the Members First team.

Terminating AWAs not in the public interest: AIRC

The AIRC has refused an application by 10 employees at an industrially volatile South Australian meatworks to terminate their expired AWAs, maintaining that doing so was likely to further confuse and complicate the situation.

News in brief, May 1, 2003

AIRC refuses brewer's s127 bid; Kingham verdict and start of Setka prosecution tomorrow; Grocon s170LK deal case to resume Monday; High Court refuses special leave in Bargouthi case; Childcare to be Goward's next focus; Federal Government to convene ageing workforce forum; and Oracle executive fails in s106 bid in NSW IRC.