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Campaign 2003: AMWU claims power industry win, labour hire strikes begin

The AMWU is claiming a breakthrough in its Campaign 2003 bargaining round, saying the major maintenance companies in the power industry in Victoria have committed to a 36-hour week, a 13% wage increase, and the introduction of fixed term contracts rather than casual employment for specific project work.

CBA might have breached TPA: Court

The Federal Court has found today that the Commonwealth Bank might have breached s52 of the Trade Practices Act by engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct, but that the case against the bank faced significant obstacles when it goes to trial.

Unions@home: ACTU's new organising tool

Unions are planning a new home visit "blitz" next month that will target workers at Foxtel's 500-seat call centre in Melbourne, after using the strategy successfully at other sites in the past year.

High Court hears Electrolux appeal bid, CSL case

The High Court will tomorrow hear the AiG's application seeking leave to appeal against the Electrolux decision, which paved the way for unions to take protected action in pursuit of bargaining fees.

Hotel employees win paid maternity leave

The multinational Starwood Hotel chain and the LHMU have struck a deal that extends paid maternity leave into the hospitality industry for the first time outside the Star City Casino agreement.

Where there's a will there's work/family policies

Corporate interests and the US Federal Government have united before to provide quality childcare and flexible working hours – only it took the Second World War to make it happen, US feminist author Naomi Wolf told a Sydney working mothers forum today.

AIRC says no to non-union deal covering NESB workers

The AIRC has rejected a non-union deal put up by a clothing manufacturer with a largely non-English speaking workforce, finding that despite the company preparing the deal and conducting workshops in three languages, not all employees were given a reasonable opportunity to vote, nor enough information to vote on.

Greyhound workers get chance to cash in shares

Some 1,700 current and former employees of bus company Greyhound Pioneer look set to be able to cash in the shares they received in lieu of a pay rise some five years ago.

Bargaining briefs, April 7, 2003

AIRC rejects disabled employment deal; Scaffolding company fails to get greenfields agreement up; Workers sacrifice pay for super under new deal; Centrelink agreement certified today; and Family-friendly package the focus of Rural Press negotiations.