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Strike over at Morris McMahon

The bitter 16-week strike and picket that hampered production at can manufacturer Morris McMahon has been resolved with a deal that ends four-day weeks.

Woolies' error makes dismissal over Nazi salute unfair: AIRC

The AIRC has ruled that despite Woolworths having a valid reason for its dismissal of a worker who called his bosses "fascists" and gave them a nazi salute, the action was unfair because it did not adhere to procedural recommendations made by the Commission.

News in brief, July 1, 2003

Changes to super and income tax take effect today; AIRC upholds sacking of BHP mineworker who falsified time sheet; and majority of Baby Boomers have little or no super savings, says ABS survey.

News in brief, June 30, 2003

Truce at FMP ends lockout for now; Redundancy test case hearings to resume in October; and Coles Supermarkets' HR processes found wanting.

No reciprocity makes contract unfair

The NSW IRC has taken into account a long-term commitment a sacked executive gave to a company when he was recruited, in finding the redundancy, notice and bonus provisions of his contract unfair.

Abbott confident on Cole

After talks with the Democrats about the Cole Royal Commission's final report, the Government believes it can win passage of a "substantial" reform package for the building and construction industry, according to Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott.

AWU has betrayed us in the Pilbara: CFMEU

The general president of the CFMEU (mining & energy division), Tony Maher, has accused the federal AWU of betrayal following revelations it is negotiating a federal consent award with Rio Tinto companies Hamersley Iron and Robe River.

Dispute found with host employer

In a critical labour hire ruling, the AIRC has found it has the power to find a dispute with a host employer, despite the lack of a direct employment relationship.

Bargaining briefs, June 27, 2003

FMP lockout goes before AIRC; 19% over three years pay rise offer for parliamentary staff; NDC agreement certified; Unions intensify "vote no" campaign at Channel 7; and O'Briens dispute rolls on.

SDA to push for junior rates test case

Australia's largest union will push at the ACTU's triennial Congress in August for a test case to be mounted to axe junior rates for 20-year-olds.