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Who owns your work? Supreme Court rules on academics' invention

In an important decision dealing with intellectual property, workplace policy, out-of-hours work, public service, and fiduciary duty, the Victoria University of Technology has won the right to shares in a company set up by two of its senior academics to market their invention, but not the right to the patent itself.

Representative's "blackmail" warrants disciplinary action: AIRC

A sacked worker's representative made threats during conciliation that amounted to blackmail and warranted disciplinary action, a senior AIRC member has ruled in throwing out the case because of its poor prospects of success.

Dismissal briefs, February 27, 2004

Worker compensated after post-dispute bad blood; Qantas worker who failed to follow cash procedures fails to win job back; and anger management training a better alternative than sacking long-serving hammer-wielding worker.

Lack of tenure detracts from independence, says president

In a rare public intervention in the political sphere, SA IR Court and Commission President Judge Bill Jennings has urged the Rann Government to reintroduce tenure for members of the Commission, in a submission on the draft Fair Work Bill.

News in brief, February 26, 2004

Wages up 0.9% in quarter, 3.6% annually; Andrews sets target of doubling ESOPs in five years; Leaked report to PM calls for new workplace survey; RCSA survey prepares for secure employment test case; and Stopwork at UWS over bargaining claim.

Employers need to embrace older workers: Costello

Treasurer Peter Costello has warned employers of a looming labour shortage if they don't fully utilise mature aged workers and urged the Senate to pass the Government's IR bills to provide the necessary workplace flexibility to accommodate the ageing workforce.

$2000 penalty after building taskforce prosecution

The AMWU has today been fined $2,000 for an "inadvertent error" that led to it coercing an employer to make an agreement, while the Interim Building Industry Taskforce has launched a new prosecution against the construction union.

News in brief, February 23, 2004

Publisher attacks police over non-intervention in picket; 24-hour stoppage at University of Technology, Sydney; and Bacon to stand down.