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Employees shouldn't be left to the common law's mercy: academic

It would be a "hollow, spineless" IR system that would leave workers to the cost and risk of trying to vindicate their employment rights at common law in the ordinary courts, according to the ANU's Professor Phillipa Weeks.

NSW Liberals fully support federal IR package

NSW's Liberal leader John Brogden today said he had no qualms about the Howard/Andrews sweeping federal IR package, and confirmed he would cede NSW's IR powers to Canberra if he won office.

Employee share bonus scheme discriminatory: Unions

The Federal Court has cleared the way for a discrimination claim to proceed against Hawker de Havilland Aerospace Pty Ltd, with unions alleging the company directed bonus payments from a Boeing group share trust scheme only to non-members.

News in brief, June 23, 2005

ALP to reshuffle frontbench; Government introduces higher education bill; and $10,000 damages payout for victimised HR officer.

Defy Taskforce and face fines or jail

The Building Industry Taskforce will have new powers to compel individuals in the construction industry to attend interviews, divulge information and hand over documents, after the Senate yesterday finally allowed new guidelines for the powers to take effect. Those who defy the Taskforce face penalties or up to six months behind bars.

State shadow IR ministers head for Canberra

With two federal Coalition senators already expressing concerns about the Government's second-wave plans, state shadow IR ministers will tomorrow afternoon get their turn to put their views to Federal Workplace Relations Minister, Kevin Andrews.

NSW and WA flow on $17 safety net rise

The NSW and WA industrial tribunals have flowed-on to state award workers the $17 weekly wage rise handed down in the AIRC’s safety net review on June 7.