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Take contractors out of industrial regulation, says inquiry

As the Howard Government moves toward drafting its independent contractor legislation, a new inquiry report by a Government-dominated Lower House committee has recommended contractors be regulated as commercial entities outside the traditional IR system, while the labour hire sector should be subject to a voluntary industry code of practice.

Andrews backs away from Senate inquiry, ponders OWS ramp-up

Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has backed away from his call for a Senate inquiry into the second wave IR legislation after the Prime Minister and Liberal Senator George Brandis refused to support the proposal.

Economy-wide wage growth reaches 4%, as labour shortages bite

New ABS data released today appears to confirm that labour shortages are driving up wages, with trend rates of pay excluding bonuses increasing by 1.1% in the June quarter and 4% in the year to June - a new annual record.

News in brief, August 16, 2005

Taskforce fails in bid to have CFMEU official's permit revoked; Safety net increases flowed-on in Queensland, SA; and AiG warns Government against bowing to pressure, calls for fair workplaces.

AIRC approves new coverage deal for Forstaff

The AIRC has approved a rule change it recommended for the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association to formalise its coverage of nearly all workers employed by Forstaff at Qantas's maintenance facility at Avalon, near Melbourne.

WA Nationals urge moderation in second wave changes

The National Party's West Australian branch has urged the Federal Government to take a cautious approach to its second wave IR changes, particularly its planned exemptions from unfair dismissal laws.

Howard redefines small business, as ACTU ramps up campaign

PM John Howard has defended the proposed new 100-employee threshold for unfair dismissal claims, saying the Coalition never identified a particular number during last year's election campaign, while the ACTU has today launched a booklet that highlights the unfair dismissal experiences of employees working in companies with fewer than 100 workers.