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Award Review Task Force on track for July deadline: DEWR

The Award Review Taskforce is on track to meet its tight July 31 deadline for finalising recommendations on new wage and classification structures, DEWR told a Senate Estimates hearing last night.

OEA cautious as PM backs union safety training in workplace agreements

Employment Advocate Peter McIlwain today refused to give a "yes" or "no" answer to questions on whether leave to attend union-provided OHS training courses is prohibited content under Work Choices, after the Prime Minister publicly backed such training.

Employers using AWAs to delete protected award conditions, OEA reveals

All AWAs filed in the first month of the Work Choices regime expressly removed at least one protected award condition, while one in six excluded all of them and most jettisoned annual leave loading, penalty rates and shiftwork loadings, Employment Advocate Peter McIlwain told a Senate estimates hearing this evening.

OWS pursues second Canberra restaurant

The Office of Workplace Services has begun prosecuting a second Canberra restaurant for allegedly underpaying Filipino guest workers by $3,000 each.

News in brief, May 26, 2006

MUA's Wood retains entry permit; Stevedoring levy to end; More people working at home, says ABS; and Woolies wins long service leave case, but judge raises questions.