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News in brief, July 12, 2006

Fair Pay Commission to run second public consultation tomorrow; Submissions due for Queensland Work Choices inquiry next week; Demoted Navy officer wins 50% costs order for discrimination; Work Choices a bonanza for Jackson Wells Morris, Colmar Brunton; AIRC to move Melbourne HQ in September; Federal politicians' pay up 7% from July 1; and ABC to start filming waterfront dispute mini-series next week.

Seafarers targeted individually after action dropped against maritime unions

Norwegian-based shipping group Stolt is pursuing 11 seafarers for unlawful industrial action after dropping its prosecution of maritime unions over the crew's refusal to unload a ship's cargo in Hobart in protest against plans to replace them with cheap foreign labour, according to unions.

Combet starts hard sell on "majority rules" right to collective bargaining

The ACTU executive meeting in Melbourne today will consider recommendations from a union study tour to support laws giving workers the right to a collective agreement if it is supported by a majority of employees in a workplace, coupled with "last resort" arbitration where bargaining breaks down.

AWU seeks urgent OWS probe into proposed Hayman non-union deal

AWU Queensland branch secretary Bill Ludwig has today written to the Office of Workplace Services, warning that the luxury Hayman Island Resort's proposed non-union Work Choices deal might not have met the statutory requirement that it be readily accessible to employees.

Federal Court throws out ABCC coercion case against manager

In an embarrassing bungle for the ABCC, the Federal Court has thrown out a further attempt to prosecute a construction manager for alleged coercion, while giving the watchdog a final chance to amend its case against the manager's employer.