Queensland page 12 of 15

145 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > Queensland

Queensland Catholic teacher pay to top $100,000

The IEU's Queensland branch says the state's top Catholic school teachers would earn more than $100,000 annually under a proposed deal negotiated with the help of the FWC's New Approaches program.

Court orders six-month restraint for financial advisor

A court has stopped a financial advisor from soliciting or providing services to his former employer's clients for up to six months until it rules on his alleged breach of restraint of trade provisions in his employment contract.

Unprotected action not "union activity": Tribunal

A tribunal has rejected claims that the sacking of two striking bus drivers constituted discrimination on the basis of their union activity, finding the law doesn't extend to unprotected action.

Turnbull Government minister backs project-length agreements; and more

Resources minister says project agreements worth considering; Workers have "right to know" how transition from fossil fuels will be managed, says Burrow; Public and private sector IT professionals' pay rises "diverging"; and Queensland Parliament rejects LNP bid to reverse entry rules.

Queensland to investigate "rogue" labour hire arrangements

A Queensland parliamentary inquiry will consider licensing and registration of labour hire companies as the state becomes the third jurisdiction to launch investigations into allegations of sham contracting and abuses of visa workers by labour suppliers.

Court rejects "dogsbody's" claim that Palmer promised $1m salary

Queensland's Supreme Court has dismissed an accountant's claim that Clive Palmer verbally offered to pay him a $1 million annual salary for five years, finding instead that the accountant was correctly paid the $100,000 (later $150,000) a year agreed in written employment contracts.

Queensland Parliament restores OHS entry rights

Queensland's Palaszczuk Government has returned state-based right-of-entry powers to OHS representatives, after they were scaled back by the former Newman Government.