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298 articles are classified in All Articles > Jurisdiction > NSW

Loopholes Bill should not override state wage theft laws, inquiry told

The Victorian Government, the State's Trades Hall and the ASU are calling for the Albanese Government to stick to its pre-election commitment to enact a carve-out in the Closing Loopholes Bill so that state wage theft laws can continue to operate.

State and federal wage theft laws operate in parallel, High Court told

State Labor governments intervening in a High Court constitutional challenge to Victoria's wage theft laws are arguing there is no inconsistency with the Fair Work Act that could void a criminal prosecution, in a case coinciding with the Albanese Government's plan to introduce federal sanctions of up to 10 years in prison and maximum fines of $8 million.

"Breakthrough" deal for NSW public school teachers

The NSW Teachers Federation says a "breakthrough" in-principle deal will make the State's beginning and top-scale teachers the nation's best paid, after they stared down a Minns Government proposal to lock-in three annual 2.5% pay rises off the back of a first-year lift of up to 12%.

Court to weigh lawyer's "50km radius" restraint clause

A court has refused to grant an interlocutory injunction restraining a lawyer from working in a large regional area while his former firm seeks to enforce a contractual two-year ban, instead accepting an undertaking after observing the legal practice did not have a strong case.

Vax mandate caused psychological injury: Tribunal

An employer held to have caused a psychological injury by imposing a COVID-19 vaccination requirement on a driver must pay more than $80,000 in compensation, plus medical costs, after its unreasonable ultimatum rendered him unable to work.